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6 pack - Tulum Lager Artesanal

6 pack - Tulum Lager Artesanal

Regular price $ 489.00 MXN
Regular price Sale price $ 489.00 MXN
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Description of the body : Light
Alcohol content : 4% per unit
Package weight : 3.66 Kilograms

Our prices are in Mexican pesos

All our shipments are national, we do not ship outside of Mexico

About this item
Tulum beer , artisan lager, made with sea water, without chemicals, pure and alkaline that maintains all its nutrients and minerals to take care of your health. Delicious flavor, light to drink, aroma, color and spectacular texture. Sustainable consumption.
By buying Cerveza Tulum, you contribute to the cleanliness of the oceansand caring for the reef.
A percentage of your purchase will be donated to the Gran Arrecife Maya Foundation, which promotes the use of avocado seed straws and biodegradable containers.
We come from the sea and we are water, today terrestrial travelers who embrace biodiversity and celebrate our organic essence.
We come from the sea and we are Cerveza Tulum.

¿Como suscribirme?

Para que tu refri siempre tenga Cerveza Tulum, elige un plan Semanal, Quincenal o Mensual y te llagara tu pedido con cargo automático a tu tarjeta, así de fácil es tener Cerveza Tulum.


Nuestro ingrediente especial Agua de mar, Maltas, lúpulos y levaduras de la mas alta calidad.


Recibe el sabor de Cerveza Tulum de 5 a 7 días hábiles.

Envios a todo México por $164 mxn


Toma tu Cerveza Tulum bien fría y en un vaso para vivir toda la experiencia del sabor y aroma de una cerveza artesanal.

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